Wednesday 13 November 2013

Empty Spaces, Love and Spiritualism

I like it when people question me on my work, I start to think from their perspective too then. Recently, I was talking to this stranger and he asked me what I meant by empty spaces, love and wanted my opinion on Spiritualism. This one is for you, Nawaz.

Empty spaces are what the minutest thing we know is made up of. If you take away everything that is physical (matter/energy), you are left with nothing (no thing). 'Nothing' is completely empty space, absolute cold, silence and darkness. 'Nothing' is infinite, eternal and indestructible. It does not move; it does not have to. It is already everywhere. The universe is more than 99.999% empty space, including our own bodies. And like they say, the whole population on this planet can be summed to an ice cube if it weren't for empty spaces. (Source: Empty spaces are everywhere, but here we are talking about life. (I am 18, by the way) Empty spaces are those in your life that need to filled by Experiences, it is important. I know how I mentioned previously that we need to forget our personal history, because that way we unburden ourselves, but empty spaces of life need to be utilized. Now here again I am contradiciting myself, because it's mentioned above that empty spaces are not really empty, but always filled. But do we know it? Even when I am writing this, there are empty spaces, pause after every sentence (both literally and figuratively), there is a thought that is evolving through empty spaces in my mind (matter fact, every one's mind), and there are empty intervals of time, like when you are waiting in a que. What I meant when I wrote the previous article was that these empty spaces need to be filled, with new adventures every day, and forgotten and then again filled by something unique that you never dared to try before.

Love is all there is. Love, is something that gives our life a direction. But what is it? Is it a person, a car? Is it a sport, or an ice cream flavour? When I started researching about love some years before(because my hormones were acting crazy), I noticed how people always referred to it as maddness, as pain and emptiness. But that is not love. Rumi said, "Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it." I have not found a single reason for people in love to be unhappy, shouldn't they see their beloved as if they were the only one? Why do we hestitate? Because we are insecure. Why are we insecure? Because we aren't trusting ourselves and our beloved. Why aren't we trusting? Because we are not loving. Why aren't we loving? Because for loving someone else, one must love him/herself and be content.

Spiritualism and religion are two different things. Religion like we know is a guideline, a rule book of 'Do's and 'Dont's. Religion, accordings to me, was what was framed by our ansesters, years ago, keeping in mind their Geographical conditions. For example, Hindus (the people that belonged to India before the Mughal invasion) are basically vegetarians because the country had a good vegitation in the past and there was no need of animal hunting. There is this thing my father always says, "No religion is perfect yet every religion is perfect itself." What he means is that religion (not religion-fanatasism) is all that a person needs to levitate himself, but once he's deep within, he is no longer religious but spiritual, because every road leads you to the One. Rumi said:
I Belong to the soul of the Beloved
One I seek
One I know
One I see
One I call.
Spiritualism is an ecstasy, a state where there is no right and no wrong, where what you do is a step forward. It is a path where you are aware, conscious, because you finally know your motive.

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